DOLPH - the definitive guide

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Articles :

Helmut Newton «Amazing Grace», Playboy, Vol. 32 n°7, July 1985

Jim Jerome; Jeff Yarbrough, «Eurohunk Dolph Lundgren takes on America's ultimate tag team: Sly Stallone and Grace Jones», People Weekly, 9 December 1985

?, The Face Magazine, n°69, January 1986

Nick Snow, "Swedish firm's technology aided by a bit of stardom." The Oil Daily, May 7, 1986

Jae-Ha Kim, «Dolph Lundgren muscles his way to movie stardom», Chicago Sun-Times, November 4, 1986

Mary Fletcher, «Move over Sly - Dolph's getting bigger every day», Woman, December 19/26 1987 (UK)

Teja Schwaner "Dolph Lundgren - Schlecht, gut und noch nicht hässlich", Kino,#16, January 1988 (German)

Marilyn Webb «Dolph course», US Magazine, August 1988

Hélène Merrick «Le blond en avant», Starfix, Hors-série Spécial Action n°2 (73 S), June 1989 (French)

Marina Heib "Ein Wikinger in Hollywood", Cinema, n°137, October 1989 (German)

Yoko Nishimagi, Screen, Vol.45 No.5, April 1990 (Japan)

Anonymous «Techniques for Street Defense», Australasian Fighting Arts, vol.13 n°6, June 1990

Jim McClellan, "More than guns 'n' poses?", The Face, #21, June 1990 (UK)

Linda Loring «Potentiel Maximum», Cine-News, n°25, July 1990 (French)

Anonymous «Les mises en garde d'un athlète au sommet de sa forme», Ciné Télé Revue, n°43, October 1990 (French)

Francis Cottam, «Blond ambition», For Him Magazine, n°21, Novembre 1990

Paul Doughtery, "Super-bright Superman", unknown source, June 1991

Anonymous, "Blond Ambition - An A to Z of Dolph Lundgren" (Poster magazine), Impact (UK), April 1992

Solange Plamondon, "50 vérités sur Dolph Lundgren", 7 Jours, vol.3 #44, 12 September 1992 (Canada)

Barry Koltnow, «Action star Lundgren an MIT man?», Chicago Tribune, July 9, 1992

Anonymous, "Dolph Lundgren Weds Anette Qviberg", Hello! Magazine, n°295, 12 March 1994

Henry-Jean Servat, "Loin de Hollywood, il offre à Anette un mariage intime", Paris-Match, March 1994 (French)

Tim Allis «From Sweden with Love», InStyle, August 1994

Stephen Saban «The Action Man who fell to Earth», Movieline, vol.VI n°10, July 1995

Anonymous «Le Suédois fait sa loi», Les Nouveaux Gladiateurs, n°1, July 1995 (French)

K., "Jak Se Hans Dolph Lundgren Nestal Védcem", Video Revue, July 1995 (Czech Republic)

Elaine Louie, "Chronicle", The New York Times, August 30, 1995

Allan Hall, «Dolph Lundgren hopes for more serious roles», Daily Mirror, August 31, 1995

Jamie Portman "Smart guy Lundgren battles Hollywood stereotype", Southam News, Calgary Herald, December 3, 1995

John Naughton «Fancy a finger wrestle?», Empire, n°79, January 1996

Baby Ida's Christening, Hello! Magazine, n°425, 1996

Luke Cyphers, "Lundgren may the pentahlon's last best hope", Chicago Tribune, May 16, 1996

Anya Sacharow «NBC's Dolph wars», Media Week, Vol. 6 n°24, 6 June 1996

Mary Sutter, «Action heroes actor and olympic team leader...», InStyle, Vol. 3 n°7, July 1996

Mike Beamish, "Not thoroughly Modern", The Vancouver Sun, July 4, 1996

Rob Allstetter, «Rocky IV star serves as U.S. leader», The Detroit News, July 18, 1996

anonymous «Modern Pentathlon: Movie star relishes unpaid job», The Nando Times, July 23 1996

Sven Busch, «Rocky star Dolph Lundgren helps U.S. pentathlon team», Deutsche Presse-Agentur, July 29, 1996

Anonymous «Day of the Dolph-in - Lundgren's blond ambition», Impact (UK), Mai 1997

Norbert Schiffer «Ein Held auf neuen Pfaden», Karate Budo Journal, August 1997 (German)

Norbert Schiffer «So hält ein star sich fit! - Training mit Dolph Lundgren», Budo Karate, March 1998 (German)

Norbert Schiffer «Fitness mit Dolph Lundgren», Budo Karate, September 1998 (German)

Anonymous «Un esprit sain dans un corps sain», Karate Bushido, n°253, January 1998 (French)

Studley Dewd «Way of the Dolph-in - Catching up with the battling blond», Impact (UK), n°95, November 1999

Rob Thomas, "Anaemic Varsity hack goes one-on-one with Swede wonder Dolph Lundgren", Varsity Online, April 14 2000

Anonymous «Un karatéka à Hollywood», Ceinture Noire, n°9, Mai 2000 (French)

Vivek Bidwai, "An Ultra-Tough Career", The Hoya, Oct. 27 2000

Jérémie Damoiseau «Portrait», DVD Fight, n°4, July 2001 (French)

Sarah Carledge «Why The Gentle Giant Has Turned His Back On Hollywood», Hello! Magazine, n°674, August 7th 2001

Norbert Schiffer «La tête et les jambes», Ceinture Noire, Hors-série n°2 spécial cinéma, December 2001 (French)

Victor Olliver, "Dolph: Acting over? In memory - Dolph Lundgren's career", Teletext, April 2002

Anonymous, «Gymnastique avec Dolph Lundgren», Ceinture Noire, #31, January 2004 (French)

Jérémie Damoiseau, «Dark Angel Of Vengeance», Impact (UK), #189, September 2007

Caroline Ryder, "Action Hero, Olympic Athlete and ex scientist", Swindle, 2nd Annual Icons Issue, 2007/2008

Wendy Wilson, Laurence Lerman "Sony develops DVD premieres with notable names", Video Business, 15 February 2008

Mike Leeder, "Ten reasons to love... Lundgren", Impact (UK), #218, February 2010


Rocky IV
Actor, athlete and scholar   Rocky IV Official Magazine

Desson Howe, «Muscling on Stallone», The Washington Post, November 28, 1985

Fred Robbins «Stallone KO'd My Love Scenes With his Bride - Swedish hunk and Rocky's girl play it real cool», Star, December 17, 1985

Randy & Jean-Marc Lofficier «Rocky, gladiateur des temps modernes», L'Ecran Fantastique, n°64, January 1986 (French)

Christophe Gans «Le combat du siècle», Starfix, n°32, January 1986 (French)

Bob Fisher «A Photographic Dazzler», American Cinematographer, vol. 67 #2, February 1986

Jean-François Tarnowski/Philippe Lubliner «Le découpage selon Stallone», Starfix, n°33, February 1986 (French)

Norbert Schiffer, "Ein Karateka der es geschafft hat!", Karate Budo Journal, April 1986 (German)

Ove Rytter «Dolph "Drago" Lundgren-Nu är han docka i USA!», Bodybuilding & Kraftsports, n°4, April 1986 (Swedish)

Bill Dobbins «Big Red Machine...How Dolph Lundgren trained to fight Rocky», Muscle & Fitness, April 1986

Janice Hocker Rushing «The Frankenstein Myth in Contemporary Cinema», Critical Studies in Mass Communications, vol. 6 #1, March 1989

Masters Of The Universe
Anonymous, 'Masters,' Pressman & RKO's 3d, to Roll at Churubusco Studios, Variety, July 31st 1985

Laurent Bouzereau, "Les maîtres de l'univers au cinéma!", L'Ecran Fantastique, #68, May 1986

Edward Gross «Time out for "He-Man"», Starlog, June 1986

Julie Moline «The Renaissance He-Man», Infashion, 1987

Douglas Thompson, "By the Power of Grayskull", Daily Express, 15th May, 1987

Milo Mitchell «An emperor of evil... an enigmatic secret... an eternal warrior», Prevue, n° 68, May 1987

He-Man (Dolph Lundgren)   Masters of the Universe Official Poster Magazine

Steven Simak «Gary Goddard toys with Masters of the Universe», Galactic Journal, n°23, Summer 1987

Anonymous "Dolph Lundgren-Le maître de l'univers", Poster Plus, n°6, July 1987 (French)

Marc Toullec Mad Movies, n°48, July 1987 (French)

Bill Dobbins «How he built himself up from Drago to He-Man», Muscles & Fitness, August 1987

Diane Bederman, Tribute, August 1987

Ron Magid, Cinefex, # 31, August 1987

Kris Gilpin, Cinefantastique, Vol. 17 No.5, September 1987

Marc Shapiro, "From Here to Eternia", Starlog, #122, September 1987

William Franklin, «He-Man masters Hollywood», Men's Fitness, Vol. 3 No 8, September 1987

Carr D'Angelo «Dolph Lundgren - The ascent of He-Man», Starlog, #123, October 1987

Jean-Pierre Putters, Mad Movies, n°50, November 1987 (French)

Bernard Lehoux «Mattel en tête», Starfix, n°54, November 1987 (French)

Norbert Moutier «Un space-opéra mené tambour battant», L'Ecran Fantastique, n°87, December 1987 (French)

Michel Voletti, Impact, n°11, December 1987 (French)

Alan Jones, Starburst, n°112, December 1987 (French)

Robert Strauss/Ron Magid «Maîtres de l'univers et maîtres d'oeuvre», Sarfix, Hors-série Effets Spéciaux 1H, December 1987 (French)

Anonymous «Dolph Lundgren in seiner stärksten Rolle», Video Play, December 1987 (German)

Anonymous, Kino Illustrierte, December 1987 (German)

Anonymous, Cinema, #115, December 1987 (German)

J.-P. C., Avant Première, # 69, December 1987 (Switzerland)

Anonymous "He-Man Dolph Lundgren rettet Eternia", Kino,#16, January 1988 (German)

Caroline Thivel «Dolph Lundgren-une étoffe de héros», Clap! Magazine, # 37, January 1988 (French)

Red Scorpion
James Brooke, "South Africa Helps U.S. Film Makers In Namibia With Troops and Truck", The New York Times, January 9th 1988

"Dolph Lundgren's apartheid rift", Newark Star Ledger, January 18, 1988

Deborah Caulfield, "First Off", The Los Angeles Times, January 20th 1988

Christophe Gans «Lundgren de violence», Starfix, H-S Spécial Action 2H, June 1988 (French)

Anonymous Cine-News, n°16, July 1988 (French)

Anonymous, «Dolph Lundgren als russischer Attentäter», Bravo, n°38, 15 September 1988 (German)

James Steranko, «Dolph Lundgren delivers the sting of the Red Scorpion in Darkest Africa», Prevue, n°73, October 1988

Anonymous Moviestar, January 1989 (German)

Anonymous Video Play, January 1989 (German)

Marc Toullec Impact, n°20, April 1989 (French)

Anonymous Cine-News, n°21, June 1989 (French)

The Punisher
Bernard Lehoux/Alan Jones «Frime et Châtiment», Starfix, n°66, November 1988 (French)

Georg Seessien, "Born to be Wild", Video Magazin, February 1989 (Germany)

Alan Jones, Cinefantastique, Vol. 19 # 3, March 1989

Marc Toullec Impact, n°20, April 1989 (French)

Marc Shapiro, «On Screen & On Target», Comics Scene, # 7, April 1989

Anonymous Cine-News, n°21, June 1989 (French)

Marc Shapiro, «Heavy Artillery», Comics Scene, # 8, June 1989

Marc Shapiro «The Punisher Film Journal Entries», Comics Scene, # 9, August 1989

Anonymous «Dolph Lundgren brings Comics? Most popular Hero to the Screen», Inside Karate, vol.10 n°8, August 1989

Marc Toullec Impact, n°23, October 1989 (French)

Marina Heib Cinema, n°137, October 1989 (German)

Yves Avérous, Salut!, 25 October 1989 (French)

Hélène Merrick «Dolph Lundgren hyperbrutal!», Cine-News, n°23, November 1989 (French)

Edward Gross "Killing Machine", Action Heroes, n°1, 1989

Anonymous Video Plus, n°13, March 1990 (German)

Alan Jones Starburst, n°142, June 1990

Alan Jones, Film Review, Superpowered Special #40, May-June 2002

Dark Angel
Maitland McDonagh, Horrorfan, vol.1 N°4, winter 1989

Cyrille Giraud Impact, n°25, February 1990 (French)

Alfred Olenray (!) «Dark Angel - flingueur d'aliens», Cine-News, n° 24, May 1990 (French)

Rory Harper, Cinefantastique, vol.21 n°1, July 1990

Anonymous, Video Plus, # 18, August 1990 (German)

Marianne Gray «Swedish Actor on the Job», Film Review, September 1990

Eric Niderost "A Movie to Die For...", Starlog, n°158, September 1990

Törsten Könekamp «Unter Feuer», Kino, n°48, September 1990 (German)

Marc Toullec Impact, n°30, December 1990 (French)

Anonymous, Film Foto Roman "Cover Up", Bravo, n°11, 7 March 1991 (Germany)

Hélène Merrick «Reporter de choc», Cine-News, n°31, July 1991 (French)

Anonymous Kamufláz, Video Plus, November 1993 (Czech Republic)

Showdown In Little Tokyo
Kyle Counts, «California Samurai», Action Heroes, n°4, summer 1991

Dughi, Will & Alzona, José, "Enter the new dragon", Prevue, #85 vol. 2 #45, August 1991

Mary Ann Mucica «Dolph Lundgren latest action packed thriller», Muscle & Fitness, October 1991

Bey Logan, «(East) L.A. Story», Eastern Heroes, #13, October 1991 (UK)

Anonymous «Dolph Lundgren auf zum Showdown in Little Tokyo», Video Plus, n°32, October 1991 (German)

Anonymous «Kicker, Boxer, Todeskrallen», Kino, n°64, January 1992 (German)

Anonymous «Dolph Lundgren: Für's Kino zu brutal», Video Play, May 1992 (German)

Andrew Baldock «Showdown In Little Tokyo, The Brandon Lee / Dolph Lundgren Classic Released On DVD», Impact (UK), #115, July 2001

Universal Soldier
Marc Toullec Impact, n°36, December 1991 (French)

Christophe Lemaire «Van Damme & Lundgren programmés pour tuer», Cine-News, n°35, March 1992 (French)

Kim Howard Johnson, "Resurrected Warriors", Starlog, #178, May 1992

Marc Toullec Mad Movies, n°77, May 1992 (French)

Marc Toullec Impact, n°39, June 1992 (French)

Anonymous «Aufeigene Faust», Kino, n°69, June 1992 (German)

Candace Burke-Block, "Scholar Dolph's no hunky meathead", Calgary Herald, July 4, 1992

Anonymous «European fighters», Top Fighter, Movie Special II, July 1992 (German)

Steve Biodrowski, «Futuristic Musclemen», Cinefantastique, vol. 23 #1, August 1992

Kim Howard Johnson «Super-Soldier», Starlog, n°181, August 1992

François Forestier «Le grand retour de l'homme d'action», Premiere, n°185, August 1992 (French)

Anonymous, "Universal Men", Film Monthly, vol.4 #5, August 1992 (UK)

Peter McKenna, "It's a down-and-dirty fight!", Action Superheroes, #4, September 1992

Anthony C. Ferrante, "The Cusp of Superstardom!", Action Superheroes, #4, September 1992

Kim Howard Johnson «Rogue Trooper», Starlog, n°182, September 1992

Kim Howard Johnson «Roland Emmerich: Drill Sergeant to the Stars», Starlog, n°182, September 1992

Bey Logan, "Soldier Story", Impact (UK), September 1992

Alain Bielik " 'Muscles from Bruxelles' attaque Hollywood", SFX, n°5, September 1992 (French)

Anonymous, Action Films, September 1992

Bernd Teichmann, Cinema, #174, November 1992 (Germany)

«I Nuovi Eroi-Van Damme e Lundgren insieme im un'aventura a base d'effetti speciali», Ciak, January 1993 (Italian)

Jeff Akeley «Marketing Masculinity in Jean-Claude Van Damme's Universal Soldier», Bad Subjects, n°16, October 1994

Joshua Tree
Marc Toullec, «Dolph Lundgren dans Joshua Tree», Impact, n°42, December 1992 (French)

Jenny Cooney «A quiet round of Dolph», Preview, Cannes Special, May 1993

Anonymous «Lundgrens Hetzjagd durch die Wüste», Video Play, July 1993 (German)

Anonymous «Road Runner Dolph Lundgren hits the Highway to Joshua Tree», Impact (UK), December 1993

Men Of War
Anonyme «Söldner der Gerechtigkeit», Video Play, January 1995 (German)

Johnny Mnemonic
Marc Toullec Impact, n°56, April 1995 (French)

Denis Seguin, "Welcome to the New Age", Eye Weekly, May 26, 1995

John Clark, Frank W. Ockenfels "Good-bye, Mr. Chip", Premiere (US), Vol. 8 n°10, June 1995

Beth Pinsker "He thinks he can", Entertainment Weekly, n°279, 16 June 1995

Kim Howard Johnson «Memories Can't Wait», Starlog, n°216, July 1995

John Clark «The Man Who Fell To Hollywood», Premiere (UK), #30, July 1995

(Bey Logan) «Keanu Reeves bytes the big one as Johnny Mnemonic», Impact (UK), October 1995

Marc Toullec Mad Movies, n°98, November 1995 (French)

Gilles Penso/Alain Schlockoff «Traque cyber-punk», L'Ecran Fantastique, n°144, December 1995

Patrick Chambers «Johnny Dangerously», Impact (UK), Janvier 1996

Helen Barlow & Giuseppe Salza Starburst, n° 209, January 1996

Marianne Gray «Sci-Fi Man», Film Review, Sci-Fi Special #14, February 1996

Judy Sloane «Johnny Who?», Film Review, March 1996

The Shooter
Army Arched, «'Shooter' takes aim at Prague», Variety, November 8, 1994

Anonymous «Van terroristenjager tot doelwit», Video News, January 1996

Silent Trigger
Bill Brownstein "Tough-guy Lundgren bares his pecs at Angus yards...", The Gazette (Montreal), September 7, 1995

The Minion
Norbert Schiffer «Mythen, Geister und Dämonen», Karate Budo Journal, September 1997 (German)

Helmut Schveinhardt «Highlander at the End of Days», Impact (UK), n°99, March 2000

Andrew Hindes, «Lundgren to play 'Blackjack'», Variety, September 26, 1997

Ray Richmond, «Woo playing 'Blackjack'», Variety, October 29, 1997

John McKay «Lundgren's not another musclehead actor», The Canadian Press (Toronto), December 20, 1997

Will he hit with Blackjack?   Toronto Sun, Jan. 18 1998

Laugh or Else!   Calgary Sun, Feb. 2 1998

Helmut Schveinhardt «Card dealt by the left hand of God», Impact (UK), June 1998

Cyrille Giraud, Impact, n°75, August 1998 (French)

Bridge Of Dragons
Don Warrener «A Hollywood Director/Martial artist tells all!», Combat (UK), vol.25 n°6, June 1999 (on Isaac Florentine)

Mike Leeder, Impact (UK), n°104, August 2000

Jill Rips
?, "Screen iron man Dolph Lundgren is to star in...", ?, June 23, 1999

Agent Red
Jérémie Damoiseau DVD Fight, n°5, September 2001 (French)

Hidden Agenda
Tracy Baldock, Impact (UK), #125, May 2002

Andrew Staton, Martial Arts Illustrated (UK), Vol 15 No 1, June 2002

Set visit on-line diary, Reel to Real, Rogers Television, 12 August 2002

The Mechanik
Blaine Wasylkiw, "A Conversation With Dolph Lundgren",, April 2006

The Inquiry
Greg Wright, Past the Popcorn, 8 February 2008

Missionary Man
Blaine Wasylkew, "interview: DOLPH LUNDGREN", DVDschlock, January 2008

Daniel Pelfrey, "Dolph Lundgren Interview", Digital Entertainment, News, January 2008

Greg Hernandez, Out in Hollywood, 8 February 2008

Ben Wilson, «I Must Break You», FHM (UK), March 2008

Wade Barker, «Man On A Mission», Inside Kung Fu, June 2008

Direct Contact
Gabriel Hershman, "Erudite action man", The Sofia Echo, Issue 5, May 2008

Mike Leeder, «Double Dolph», Impact (UK), July 2009

Command Performance
Mike Leeder, «Double Dolph», Impact (UK), July 2009

The Expendables
Stéphane Moïssakis, "Brute Force", Impact (France), #7, July 2009 (French)

Chris Hewitt, "Team America", Empire, June 2010

Léonard Haddad, Technikart, July 2020 (French)

Stéphane Moïssakis, "Kill' em all!", Impact (France), July/August 2010 (French)

Virgile Iscan, "Last Heroes, Action!", Geek, #8, August September 2010 (French)

Anonymous, "Not Fade Away", Impact (UK), #224, August 2010 (UK)

Vincent Malausa, "La kermess des aigles", Chronic'Art, #67, Summer 2010 (French)

Michael Goldman, "War Horses", American Cinematographer, Vol. 91 #9, September 2010

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